KHC Personnel certification is based on objective evidences obtained through an impartial, fair, valid and reliable assessment, and not influenced by other interests or by other parties.
To ensure the impartiality of its activities, KHC periodically carries out a risk assessment arising from real or potential threats, identifiable in the activities of: the internal staff, responsible for assessing certification / renewal requests, the Examination Commissioners, the Approval Committee, the Scheme or Certification Committee and due for example to:
To ensure compliance with the impartiality of its certification process KHC commits to manage, eliminate or reduce real or potential risks, systematically identifying possible threats and how to mitigate these threats , developing procedures for managing activities, monitoring and evaluating compliance over time, even through the involvement of the interested parties, training the personnel involved, asking internal and external personnel to sign a Declaration of confidentiality and absence of conflict of interest
Declaration updated to 2014-08-04
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© KHC – Know How Certification S.r.l. a Socio Unico – Sede legale: Via Nino Bixio, 28 – 95125 Catania – R.E.A. N° 264105 Cap. Sociale Euro 50.000,00 I.V. C.F./P.IVA e iscrizione Reg. Imprese di Catania n° 03945060873 – pec: [email protected]
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